Футбол, англия: live-результаты бат, расписание, завершенные матчи
- 4. Chester
- A Huge Collection of Stunning Bathrooms
- Bath Restaurants & Cuisine
- Как поступить в University of Bath?
- Bath Skyline
- «Цирк» и «Королевский полумесяц»
- Соперники
- Sunday Lunch
- Afternoon Tea
- Аббатство и Римские термы
- Bath Access — Getting To Bath
- Собственность сообщества
- Fashion Museum
- Игроки
- South West England weather forecast
- Bath Architecture
- We’re Open — Apex City of Bath Hotel
- No. 1 Royal Crescent
- Bath Historic Centre
- American Museum in Britain
- Развлечения и общественная жизнь
- Roman Baths
4. Chester
flickr/Andreas Mortonus
In Northwest England is Chester, a charming city with Roman origins and a location just on the Welsh border. Its biggest attraction might just be the Chester Cathedral, a stunning structure that was one of the few to survive under Henry VIII because it was simply too beautiful to tear down.
Travel back even further in time by exploring some of the Roman Chester landmarks, such as the ancient walls or the ruins of an enormous amphitheater. Just across the street from the Roman amphitheater is Grosvenor Park, a traditional 19th century Victorian garden perfect for picnics, strolls or people watching.
A Huge Collection of Stunning Bathrooms
Browse our huge collection of great quality products, from complete bathroom suites through to taps and essential accessories. We only stock the best brands here at ukBathrooms. You can feel rest assured that your new bathroom will not only look fantastic for years to come, but will work seamlessly long into the future, thanks to quality manufacturing from the likes of Hansgrohe, AXOR, Imperial and Villeroy and Boch, to name a few.
We offer a wonderful range of bathroom products to suit every budget and available space. Whether you’re looking for a back to wall toilet, vanity unit and steel bath for your bathroom re-design, a wash basin and mixer tap for your cloakroom project, or perhaps you simply need a new shower tray, our fantastic range of products really does have something for everyone.
Bath Restaurants & Cuisine
has also had a long tradition of providing hospitality. Almost every type of international cuisine is present in the city, with Chinese, Thai, French, Italian and Indian being particularly well represented, along with some particularly good seafood restaurants. As for fine dining, The Bath Priory wins rave reviews for its Michelin-starred cuisine, but for more informal eating the city’s many gastropubs offer great value. A spot of afternoon tea in The Pump Room restaurant or at Sally Lunn’s, the oldest house in Bath, makes the perfect way to break up a busy day on one’s feet.
But Bath’s food scene is not just about restaurants. The 2007 and 2008 Taste of Bath Festivals were held in Victoria Park under the Royal Crescent, and the 2010 Bath Festival of Food and Drink was held in the same location. A regular Farmers Market is held in the former Green Park Station building on Saturdays, and there are occasional Continental Markets in Queen Square.
Many visitors choose to round off their day with one of the big productions at the 200-year-old masterpiece that is Bath’s Theatre Royal, or catch something a little more avant garde at its more contemporary sibling, the Ustinov Studio.
Pulteney Bridge, Bath, England
Как поступить в University of Bath?
Для получения первого высшего образования потребуется:
- Предоставить аттестат о среднем образовании или диплом об окончании среднего специального учебного заведения (училище или техникум). Также студент-иностранец, поступающий в университет Бата, должен закончить курс International Foundation;
- Предоставить результаты International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma или British A-Levels (если вы выпускник британской школы);
- Сдать экзамен IELTS of 6.0-7.0 по профильному предмету.
Для поступления в магистратуру потребуется:
- Предоставить диплом о высшем образовании с высоким средним баллом;
- Сдать экзамен IELTS of 6.5-7.0 по профильному предмету;
- Пройти вступительные испытания в университете по выбранной специальности.
Bath Skyline
Source: shutterstock
Bath Skyline
Bath is in a valley bounded by high limestone slopes that rise to a maximum 238 metres.
Visiting the Prior Park Landscape Garden you can take the opportunity to get onto the Bath Skyline, a six-mile looped trail that runs along the ridge above the city.
Prior Park is on the southwest corner of the circuit and from there you can set off on a hike through unfrequented valleys, beech forest and meadows with wildflowers.
There are sites with Roman history and the remnants of long disused quarries.
Take a picnic on a sunny day and there will be countless places to stop, catch your breath and contemplate the city from above.
Maybe the most picturesque setting is Little Solsbury Hill on the site of an Iron Age Fort.
«Цирк» и «Королевский полумесяц»
Главные архитектурные находки Вудов – это так называемые «Цирк» (Circus) и «Королевский полумесяц» (Royal Crescent).
«Цирк» – большая круглая площадь, к которой подходят три улицы. Площадь окружена тремя зданиями с изогнутыми фасадами. Дома однотипные, трехэтажные, их фасады украшены сдвоенными колонами, орнаментом, шишками по краю крыши.
Старший Джон Вуд в этой площади постарался воплотить образ Колизея.
В центре площади предполагалось разместить круглый бассейн, но в настоящее время он покрыт газоном, в середине круга стоят платаны с густыми кронами.
Одна из улиц, Брок Стрит, соединяет «Цирк» и «Королевский полумесяц», который представляет собой непрерывную линию домов, выстроенных полумесяцем. Полумесяц обращен лицом к склону, образуя гигантский амфитеатр.
Склон засеян газоном. Ниже открытое пространство переходит в парк.
Решение очень необычное. Создается ощущение большого простора. Если в Цирке пространство замкнуто, то здесь оно распахнуто. Цепочка домов словно обозначает линию бровки.
Из-за отсутствия других крупных футбольных клубов в Сомерсете у Бата было несколько основных местных соперников. Хотя исторически основными соперниками Бата были Йовил Таун , Уэймут ,
Ньюпорт Каунти и Троубридж Таун . В последние годы четыре клуба двигались в противоположных направлениях в турнирной таблице лиг, разделив друг друга на пять дивизионов в сезоне 2013–14. Ньюпорт, были повышены до Премьера Конференции на сезон 2010–11 годов и теперь участвуют во Второй Футбольной лиге . Три лиги выше Бата. Однако последующий спад Йовила означает, что по состоянию на сезон 2019–2020 годов Bath в настоящее время находится всего на один уровень ниже.
В последние годы Бат наладил соперничество с Чиппенхэм Таун и Уэстон-сьюпер-Мэр из-за близости между клубами, как по местоположению, так и по положению в лиге.
И « Бристоль Роверс», и « Бристоль Сити» не считаются соперниками, поскольку они никогда не соревновались друг с другом в лиге и установили дружеские отношения с римлянами, часто отправляя молодых игроков в аренду.
Помимо двух бристольских клубов, Бат установил дружеские отношения с итальянской командой Кальчо Лекко . Клубы играли друг против друга в финале англо-итальянского кубка 1977 года , где победу одержала итальянская команда. Это не испортило отношения: болельщики с обеих сторон отметили 40-летие игры в 2017 году матчем болельщиков на стадионе Ригамонти-Чеппи в Лекко .
Sunday Lunch
If you’re looking for the perfect place to tuck into a tasty Sunday lunch, you won’t be disappointed with Bath’s ample offering.
On Sunday afternoons, a bounty of restaurants offer their take on the great British Sunday roast, with options including lamb, beef, chicken, pork, nut roast and butternut squash wellington served up alongside crispy roast potatoes, an assortment of local veggies, and sumptuous gravy.
Feast on a hearty Sunday roast with all the trimmings in a traditional pub setting, make for a local farm café for locally sourced fare, or book a table at one of the city’s five-star hotels for a luxurious three-course lunch.
Afternoon Tea
Afternoon tea has long been a popular pastime in Bath and the tradition is still very much alive in the city today. Consisting of delicate sandwiches, mouthwatering cakes, fluffy scones and not to mention a selection of fine loose-leaf teas, it’s hard to resist an afternoon tea!
Perfect for celebrating a special occasion or enjoying as a sweet pick-me-up after a long day shopping, Bath is the ideal setting to indulge in a quintessentially English afternoon tea. Take tea at the Pump Room where you can marvel at the grand interior whilst listening to live classical music or be transported to Georgian Bath at The Regency Tea Rooms at The Jane Austen Centre.
Аббатство и Римские термы
От Royal Crescent мы направляемся в центр. Путь лежит через Королевский парк Виктория.
Через ворота со львами входим в центральную часть Бата.
На улице Gay street находится музей Джейн Остин. Писательница подолгу жила в Бате, хотя и недолюбливала этот город. Здесь она написала два романа: «Нортенгерское аббатство» и «Доводы рассудка».
При входе в музей посетителей встречают люди, одетые в костюмы той эпохи.
А мы идем дальше. И уже в створе улиц виден шпиль Батского аббатства.
«Аббатство» — это историческое название, напоминающее о том, что некогда здесь действительно было аббатство, одно из старейших в Англии, – оно образовалось в 7 веке. До наших дней от аббатства осталась одна церковь Святых Петра и Павла 16-17 веков постройки. Церковь готическая, с резным фасадом, многочисленными витражами, с двумя донжонами по сторонам от главного входа.
в вырезанных из камня оливе с короной обыгрывается фамилия одного из епископов аббатства
К сожалению, мы не смогли попасть внутрь – в церкви намечалось бракосочетание, и никого не пускали.
Справа от входа в Батское аббатство находятся Римские термы.
Термы и аббатство стоят на одной площади, небольшой, но очень многолюдной. Здесь поют уличные музыканты, здесь же толпится очередь в Римские термы (в которых сейчас устроен музей).
По одной из сторон площади проходит колоннада
В нашу бытность очередь в Римские термы стояла несусветная. Так что ни в аббатство, ни в Римские термы мы не попали. Мало того, что август – высокий сезон, так еще и воскресенье.
Оставалось удовольствоваться прогулкой по городу.
Сбоку от аббатства на маленькой площади стоит фонтан Ребекка.
Bath Access — Getting To Bath
Bath is located not far off the M4 motorway coming west from London. Bath is also easily accessible via the A4 from Bristol.
Bath’s main railway station is Bath Spa on Dorchester Street with rail links to Bristol Temple Meads Station and some services on to Weston-super-Mare and Taunton. Trains from Bath Spa Station connect to London Paddington Station via Swindon, Reading and Chippenham.
South West Trains run a limited service to London Waterloo via Salisbury and Basingstoke from Bath Spa
First Great Western and South West Trains have services to Bradford-on-Avon (15 minutes). First Great Western runs services to Cardiff and Portsmouth Harbour and to Gloucester and Weymouth. Other services run south west via Bristol to Taunton, Exeter St David’s Station in Exeter, Dawlish, Teignmouth, Newton Abbot, Torquay and Paignton.
An early morning CrossCountry service runs to Glasgow Central Station in Glasgow, Scotland via Bristol, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Newcastle and Edinburgh.
There are National Express bus links from Bath to Heathrow Airport from Bath Bus Station. The X39 bus connects Bath with Bristol.
Waterways, Bath, England
Goods From Japan delivered to your home or business
Waterways, Bath, England
Собственность сообщества
В июне 2015 года режиссер и фанат Бата Кен Лоуч объявил о запуске проекта «Big Bath City Bid», чтобы превратить клуб в принадлежащий сообществу клуб «один член — один голос», чтобы развить клуб и погасить его долги. В сентябре 2016 года призыв достиг цели в 300 000 фунтов стерлингов, чтобы превратить клуб в общественный актив.
Право собственности сообщества получило поддержку со всего мира, в том числе экс-футболиста Манчестер Юнайтед Эрика Кантона.
5 мая 2017 года клуб завершил переход в собственность сообщества, и основным акционером является Bath City Supporters Society Ltd с 54,6%.
Fashion Museum
Fashion Museum
In the majestic Assembly Rooms (1769) is a museum revealing the changes in fashionable clothing from the end of the 16th century to the present day.
The collection was begun in the 20th century by the fashion historian Doris Langley and has since grown to more than 100,000 pieces.
The museum has an army of mannequins dressed in anything from Georgian finery to the looks that changed fashion of the 20th century.
Among the designers represented are Mary Quant, John Galliano, Giorgio Armani and Donatella Versace, to name just a few.
Youngsters and grown-ups can also dress up in Georgian attire (tailcoats, high collars, bonnets and corsets), and have their photo before a backdrop of the Royal Crescent.
Текущий состав
- По состоянию на 13 октября 2020 г.
Примечание. Флажки обозначают национальную команду, как определено в правилах отбора ФИФА . Игроки могут иметь более одного гражданства, не входящего в ФИФА.
Взят в аренду
Примечание. Флажки обозначают национальную команду, как определено в правилах отбора ФИФА . Игроки могут иметь более одного гражданства, не входящего в ФИФА.
Известные бывшие игроки
Для всех игроков Bath City со статьей в Википедии см. «Игроки Bath City FC» .
В Бат-Сити есть длинный список известных бывших игроков, в том числе один из лучших английских игроков. Во время Второй мировой войны Стэн Мортенсен переехал на юг и сыграл за римлян 45 раз, забив при этом 27. Среди других выдающихся игроков Stripes — Бобби Замора , Тони Бук , Пол Бодин , Алан Скиртон и Чарли Флеминг .
South West England weather forecast
Wednesday 21 Oct —
Sunday 25 Oct
Sunday 25 Oct
This Evening and Tonight:
Rain and cloud clearing north-eastwards through the evening, leaving a drier spell overnight with plenty of clear spells. However, showers near northern coasts, edging southeast into the region later. Breezy, but with winds easing through the night. Minimum temperature 8 °C.
A rather cloudy start to Thursday with showers but clearing by the afternoon, leaving plenty of sunny spells for the rest of the day. Maximum temperature 13 °C.
Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
Sunny spells on Friday afternoon, but otherwise the period will be largely unsettled, with frequent outbreaks of rain and showers, heavy at times. Gales are likely on Saturday, potentially severe.
Updated: 16:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 21 Oct 2020
Bath Architecture
Almost all of Bath is a coherent and attractive harmony of warm, honey-coloured limestone terraces. When it comes to Georgian architecture, it doesn’t get any more impressive than the Royal Crescent, an arc of majestic townhouses overlooking the verdant expanse of Royal Victoria Park. Designed by John Wood the Younger (1728–82) and constructed between 1767 and 1775, the houses appear perfectly symmetrical from the outside, but the owners were allowed to customize the interiors to their own whims and fancies.
Alongside the iconic Royal Crescent, Bath also features another impressively rounded landmark — The Circus. Originally known as The King’s Circus, this remarkable structure consists of three curved segments of listed townhouses, arranged in a circular shape.
Royal Crescent, Bath
The Circus was designed by John Wood the Elder, an architect also responsible for the nearby Queen Square. Unfortunately John Wood the Elder didn’t live to see his plans become reality, as he died just before construction began in 1754. His son, John Wood the Younger, completed the building in 1768.
Wood apparently took the Roman Colosseum as inspiration for his design, although the Circus faces inwards. The grassy area in the centre was once a reservoir that supplied water to the surrounding houses, although it eventually became a garden for residents in the 1800’s. And famous residents the Circus has had — Thomas Gainsborough rented a property here from 1759 to 1774, while Nicholas Cage has also graced the Circus with his presence in more recent times.
Georgian architecture, Bath, Somerset
We’re Open — Apex City of Bath Hotel
Here’s the latest information about our leisure facilities, food and drink offering, as well as our Apex Assured promise to you.
Our swimming pool and gym are open and available by appointment to ensure social distancing is maintained throughout the hotel. Time slots will be available to book upon check-in. Please note that the steam room and sauna remain temporarily closed. Our changing-rooms are open but we encourage you to change in your room where possible
Breakfast will be served by table service only. You can book your table reservation in advance or upon check-in.
Our bar is open from 2pm — 10pm. Lunch, dinner and room service will not be available until further notice.
Please see our for more helpful information including luggage storage, parking and PPE advice.
You can visit our dedicated Apex Assured page for more information about flexible booking, our best rate guarantee and how we’ve enhanced our cleaning and safety measures.
We stayed at the 4* Francis Hotel in Bath which is in a great central location on Queen Square. We found the hotel to have luxurious rooms, superb breakfasts and a very warm welcome. The building is historic too as it’s been converted from prestigious town houses built by John Wood (the elder) and we liked the sign boards inside reflecting the notable people who’d stayed in each of the houses. If you stay at this hotel, you’ll be able to walk easily to all the significant locations in the city and it also has a small car park at the rear (additional charges apply). You can see other options for Bath with latest prices and customer reviews here.
No. 1 Royal Crescent
Source: SB_photos / Shutterstock.com
No. 1 Royal Crescent
The building on the eastern tip of the Royal Crescent is the cornerstone of the development and is considered the pinnacle of Palladian architecture in Bath.
In the 20th century this house was split from its service wing to become two separate properties.
These were reunited in 2000 and a restoration in 2012-13 returned the building to how it would have looked when Jane Austen was in Bath.
In those days No. 1 was a luxury place for aristocrats to stay while engaging in the social season and taking Bath’s waters.
Each room is appointed in the Georgian style, with authentic carpets, portraits, furniture, wallpapers and fabrics.
You’ll soak up the splendour of the bedrooms, withdrawing room, dining room and gentleman’s retreat, but also go beneath the plush veneer to the servant’s corridors, kitchen, coal-holes, Servant’s Hall and Housekeeper’s Room.
Bath Historic Centre
The historic centre of Bath is compressed into a small area north and west of a curve in the River Avon, with the Abbey, Roman Baths and Pump Room at the heart.
A trip to the Roman Baths — the very feature that made Bath the city it is today — is pretty much mandatory. Almost certainly the finest ancient Roman site to be found anywhere in Britain, it also houses remains of the Temple to Sulis Minerva and lots of Victorian statues. Visitors can also see the ruins of the old bath houses and listen to a great audio tour by famed travel writer Bill Bryson.
Bath Abbey, Bath, England
Interior, Bath Abbey, Bath, England
Next to the Baths stands the medieval gem of Bath Abbey, on a site where the first king of England, Edgar, was crowned in AD 973 (in an Anglo-Saxon monastery that preceded the Abbey). In 1973 current British Queen Elizabeth II visited Bath Abbey for a service to mark 1000 years since the coronation of Edgar; look out for the stone commemorating this royal visit in the floor of the Abbey by the lectern.
The Abbey’s most striking feature is the west facade, where angels climb up and down stone ladders, commemorating a dream of the founder, Bishop Oliver King. inside lies a huge vaulted Gothic interior and ornate stained-glass windows. Take a Tower Tour for splendid views.
Situated next to main street entrance to the Roman Baths is the Grand Pump Room, where visitors can sample the waters from the warm spring which fills the baths. This beautiful listed building also houses a restaurant where afternoon tea is very popular. Music in the restaurant is provided by the Pump Room Trio — the longest established resident ensemble in Europe — or by a pianist.
Apart from the curved and panoramic crescents, Bath’s other architectural highlights include Pulteney Bridge, where visitors can pause to shop while crossing the River Avon. Close to one end of this beautiful span lies lies the Holburne Museum, housing some beautiful British eighteenth and early nineteenth century paintings, including works by Turner, Gainsborough and Stubbs, and an eclectic collection of antique curios.
Roman Baths, Bath, England
American Museum in Britain
American Museum In Britain
Open from March to October, this museum is at the Grade I listed Claverton Manor, commanding the Limpley Stoke Valley and the Kennet and Avon Canal.
To burn a few calories you can get there from the centre of Bath by climbing the elegant Bathwick Hill.
Founded by two antique collectors in 1961, the museum contains the most complete collection of Americana beyond the country’s shores.
John Judkyn, one of the founders, was a Quaker, so the collection eschews weapons and militaria for furniture and decorative arts from 1690 to 1860. The textile room displays 50 quilts and coverlets from a collection of 200, while outside there’s an arboretum with North American trees and a reproduction of George Washington’s garden at Mount Vernon.
Развлечения и общественная жизнь
Главная роль в организации досуга учащихся университета Бата принадлежит студенческому союзу. Его активисты организовывают различные мероприятия и ведут занятия в клубах по интересам. В University of Bath существует даже специальный студенческий центр, где есть все для реализации любой инициативы: от общественно значимых проектов до обычных посиделок с друзьями.
В университете Бата поклонники спорта будут чувствовать себя превосходно. Этому способствует наличие огромного количества спортивных залов, игровых полей, дорожек для бега, бассейнов. На кампусе также есть собственные музеи и галереи, а также банк, почта, туристическое агентство.
Roman Baths
Source: Christian Mueller / Shutterstock.com
Roman Baths
The Roman bathing complex has been redeveloped many times over the centuries, and you can visit the museum there now to rifle through the many layers of history.
Above ground the current buildings mostly date to the 19th century and there are statues of Emperors and the Governors of Roman Britain on the terrace.
The first-rate museum here takes you below street level to the Roman Sacred Spring, Temple of Minerva and Roman Bathhouse, and shows off the many wonderful finds made around the spring.
Some 12,000 Roman coins have been recovered, along with all manner of everyday implements, the skeleton of a Roman man and the bronze head of the goddess Minerva.
Curses were also made too and these were scratched onto lead-tin alloy tablets and thrown in the water.
Around 130 have been pulled out of the water, many beseeching the Goddess Minerva to punish people who have stolen personal possessions from the bathhouse.