Best universities in the world 2021

Рейтинг стран по числу вузов в списке 500 лучших учебных заведений мира по версии Тайваньского рейтинга

Страна 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
США 139 138 141 145 145   149 154 158 159 163 163 170
Германия 35   36   37 40 41 41 46 46 45 45 43 45
Англия 35 36 36 35   36   36 35 36 37 36 37 39
Италия 28 29 28 28 28 30 28 29 31 29 29 26
Япония 14 15 17 18   20 22   22 24 28 29 35 32
Франция 21 20   20   20   21 21 20   22 22 20 21 17
Канада 20   20   19 20   22 22 22 21 22 21 22 23
Китай 50 45 36 35   29 30 23 18 16 15 13 9
Австралия 23 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 13 11 13
Испания 15 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 13 13 11
Голландия 12 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 12 12 12
Швеция 10 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 11 10 10
Южная Корея 15   2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 10 10 9 9 9
Швейцария 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8
Бельгия 7 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 7 7 5
Финляндия 6 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 6 6 7
Тайвань 4 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 6 5 4
Австрия 6 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 6 6 5
Бразилия 7 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 5 7 6
Израиль 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6
Гонконг 5 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 5 5 5
Дания 5 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 4 5 5
Норвегия 4 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 4 4 4
Греция 2 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 4 4 4
Португалия 6 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 4 3 1
Ирландия 3 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 3 3 3
Сингапур 2   2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2 2 2
Новая Зеландия 2   2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2 2 3
ЮАР 4 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2 1 2
Польша 2   2   2   2   2   2   2 2 2 2 2 2
Индия 1 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2 2 2
Чили 2   2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2 2 1
Венгрия       1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2
Россия 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Чехия 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Аргентина 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Словения 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Мексика 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Таиланд 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Хорватия 1             1 1

U-Ranking of Spanish Universities

U-Ranking classifies Spanish universities according to their performance (in teaching and research and innovation), correcting for the effect of their size in order to make them comparable

Universities with the same performance index are placed under the same level, classifying them alphabetically in 12 levels:

Ranking Index University Ranking Index University
Universities without score were not analyzed due to lack of information
(*) Universities younger than 16
1 1.5 Universitat Pompeu Fabra 6 1.0 Universidad San Pablo — CEU
2 1.4 Universidad Carlos III 6 1.0 Universidade da Coruña
2 1.4 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 6 1.0 Universitat de Vic — Universitat Central de Catalunya
2 1.4 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 7 0.9 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
2 1.4 Universitat Politècnica de València 7 0.9 Universidad de Extremadura
3 1.3 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 7 0.9 Universidad de Huelva
3 1.3 Universidad de Cantabria 7 0.9 Universidad de Jaén
3 1.3 Universidad de Navarra 7 0.9 Universidad de La Laguna
3 1.3 Universitat de Barcelona 7 0.9 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
3 1.3 Universitat Rovira i Virgili 7 0.9 Universidad de Murcia
4 1.2 Universidad de Alcalá 7 0.9 Universidad Pontificia Comillas
4 1.2 Universidad de Deusto 7 0.9 Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
4 1.2 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche 7 0.9 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
4 1.2 Universidad Pablo de Olavide 8 0.8 Mondragon Unibertsitatea
4 1.2 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 8 0.8 Universidad Cardenal Herrera — CEU
4 1.2 Universitat de Lleida 8 0.8 Universidad Europea de Madrid
4 1.2 Universitat de València 8 0.8 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
4 1.2 Universitat Ramon Llull 8 0.8 Universidad Nebrija
5 1.1 Universidad Complutense 9 0.7 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja *
5 1.1 Universidad de Alicante 10 0.6 Universidad a Distancia de Madrid *
5 1.1 Universidad de Almería 10 0.6 Universidad Católica de Valencia
5 1.1 Universidad de Burgos 11 0.5 Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
5 1.1 Universidad de Córdoba 11 0.5 Universidad Camilo José Cela
5 1.1 Universidad de Granada 11 0.5 Universidad Europea de Canarias *
5 1.1 Universidad de La Rioja 11 0.5 Universidad Internacional Valenciana *
5 1.1 Universidad de Zaragoza 11 0.5 Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
5 1.1 Universidad del País Vasco 12 0.4 Universidad Europea de Valencia *
5 1.1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena 12 0.4 Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla *
5 1.1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela IE Universidad
5 1.1 Universidade de Vigo Universidad Católica San Antonio
5 1.1 Universitat de Girona Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila
5 1.1 Universitat de les Illes Balears Universidad del Atlántico Medio *
5 1.1 Universitat Jaume I Universidad Europea del Atlántico *
6 1.0 Universidad de Cádiz Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
6 1.0 Universidad de León Universidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias *
6 1.0 Universidad de Málaga Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
6 1.0 Universidad de Oviedo Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
6 1.0 Universidad de Salamanca Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
6 1.0 Universidad de Sevilla Universidad Loyola Andalucía *
6 1.0 Universidad de Valladolid Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
6 1.0 Universidad Pública de Navarra Universidad San Jorge *
6 1.0 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Universidad Tecnología y Empresa *

Преимущества дистанционного медицинского образования

U-Ranking for Research

The classification below contains the results of the assessment of research and innovation activity.

In this case, the results are the following:

Ranking Index University Ranking Index University
Universities without score were not analyzed due to lack of information
(*) Universities younger than 16
1 1.9 Universitat Pompeu Fabra 10 1.0 Universidad de Murcia
2 1.8 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 10 1.0 Universidad de Oviedo
3 1.7 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 10 1.0 Universidad de Salamanca
4 1.6 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 10 1.0 Universidad de Valladolid
4 1.6 Universidad Carlos III 10 1.0 Universidad Pública de Navarra
4 1.6 Universidad de Cantabria 10 1.0 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
4 1.6 Universitat Rovira i Virgili 10 1.0 Universitat de Vic — Universitat Central de Catalunya
5 1.5 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 10 1.0 Universitat Ramon Llull
5 1.5 Universitat de Barcelona 11 0.9 Universidad de Jaén
5 1.5 Universitat Politècnica de València 11 0.9 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
6 1.4 Universidad de Burgos 11 0.9 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
6 1.4 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche 12 0.7 Universidad San Pablo — CEU
7 1.3 Universidad de Alcalá 12 0.7 Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
7 1.3 Universidad de Deusto 13 0.6 Universidad Cardenal Herrera — CEU
7 1.3 Universidad de La Rioja 13 0.6 Universidad Pontificia Comillas
7 1.3 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena 14 0.5 Mondragon Unibertsitatea
7 1.3 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 14 0.5 Universidad Europea de Madrid
7 1.3 Universidade de Vigo 14 0.5 Universidad Nebrija
7 1.3 Universitat de Girona 15 0.3 Universidad a Distancia de Madrid *
7 1.3 Universitat de les Illes Balears 15 0.3 Universidad Católica de Valencia
7 1.3 Universitat de Lleida 15 0.3 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja *
7 1.3 Universitat de València 16 0.2 Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
8 1.2 Universidad Complutense 16 0.2 Universidad Camilo José Cela
8 1.2 Universidad de Córdoba 16 0.2 Universidad Europea de Canarias *
8 1.2 Universidad de Granada 16 0.2 Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla *
8 1.2 Universidad de Navarra 16 0.2 Universidad Internacional Valenciana *
8 1.2 Universidad de Sevilla 16 0.2 Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
8 1.2 Universidad Pablo de Olavide 17 0.1 Universidad Europea de Valencia *
8 1.2 Universitat Jaume I IE Universidad
9 1.1 Universidad de Alicante Universidad Católica San Antonio
9 1.1 Universidad de Almería Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila
9 1.1 Universidad de Cádiz Universidad del Atlántico Medio *
9 1.1 Universidad de Málaga Universidad Europea del Atlántico *
9 1.1 Universidad de Zaragoza Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
9 1.1 Universidad del País Vasco Universidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias *
9 1.1 Universidade da Coruña Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
9 1.1 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
10 1.0 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
10 1.0 Universidad de Extremadura Universidad Loyola Andalucía *
10 1.0 Universidad de Huelva Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
10 1.0 Universidad de La Laguna Universidad San Jorge *
10 1.0 Universidad de León Universidad Tecnología y Empresa *


Методология рейтинга Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities основана на библиометрическом методе: учебные заведения анализируются и ранжируются в зависимости от числа и качества научных публикаций. База данных из 4000 вузов формируется на основе списка Essential Sciences Indicators (ESI), в котором содержатся статьи из журналов, включенных в индексы SCI и SSCI. Из этого списка выбираются 700 наиболее продуктивных в отношении опубликованных исследований и их цитируемости заведений. Далее университеты ранжируются в зависимости от  количества научных исследований и числа упоминаний о них в научной литературе. Основной упор именно на результаты конкретных исследований делает критерии Тайваньского рейтинга более справедливыми, чем, например, оценка репутации университета или число обладателей Нобелевской премии, учитываюшиеся другими рейтингами.

При расчете Тайваньского рейтинга используются 9 показателей. Все они подсчитываются с использованием базы данных Essential Science Indicators (ESI). Все показатели Тайваньского рейтинга можно разделить на две большие группы: основанные на публикациях вуза (первые 2 показателя) и основанные на цитированиях (остальные 7 показателей). Период для анализа конкретных показателей определен субъективно: 1 год, 2 года или 11 лет.

Научная производительность: вес в итоговом индексе 20%

  • число опубликованных научных исследований в печатных изданиях из списка  SCI  и SSCI за последние 11 лет — 10%
  • число опубликованных научных исследований в печатных изданиях из списка  SCI  и SSCI в последний год — 10%

Цитируемость: вес в итоговом индексе 30%

  • число упоминаний научных исследований из базы данных ESI за последние 11 лет — 10%
  • число упоминаний научных исследований в научной прессе за последние 2 года (база данных — печатные издания из списка SCI  и SSCI) — 10%
  • средний уровень числа упоминаний в научной прессе (отношение общего числа цитирований к общему числу статей за 11 лет) — 10%

Авторитетность в научных кругах: вес в итоговом индексе 50%

  • индекс авторитетности (высчитывается по разработанной формуле как отношение общего числа исследований за последние 2 года к высокоцитируемым) — 20% (индекс авторитетности, равный 85, означает, что за последние два года коллективом университета было опубликовано 85 статей, каждая из которых была процитирована не менее 85 раз, а остальные статьи были процитированы меньшее число раз).
  • число высокоцитируемых работ (база данных наиболее цитируемых статей Highly Cited Papers из ESI) — 15% (составители базы ESI определяют высокоцитируемые статьи как статьи, входящие в верхний 1% наиболее популярных статей в каждом году).
  • число статей, опубликованных в наиболее авторитетных научных печатных изданиях (hi-impact journal articles — база данных Journal Citation Reports), за последний год — 15% (В JCR высокоцитируемые журналы определены как журналы, входящие по своему весу (общее число цитирований статей этого журнала за определенный период) в первые 5% журналов в своей предметной области).

Top 5 universities in the 2016 Shanghai Ranking

1. Harvard University

Harvard is probably the most prestigious university in the world, so it is no surprise that it tops the Shanghai Ranking every year and also takes the highest place in Times Higher Education’s reputation survey.

The university is highly residential and has a strong emphasis on research. It has produced 62 living billionaires, around 150 Nobel Laureates and eight US presidents.

Harvard’s campus is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just a short distance away from Boston.

2. Stanford University

Stanford is probably best known for its huge impact on the development of technology and innovative business; the university was partially responsible for the growth of Silicon Valley next door, and many of its students, alumni and staff are involved in some of the most influential businesses and start-ups.

The main campus is next to Palo Alto, close to San Francisco, and covers a significant area of land with many faculty buildings, residences, museums, gardens and a new meditation centre.

If companies founded by Stanford alumni were a country, they would be the 10th largest economy in the world, generating more than $2.7 trillion annually.

3. University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, also near San Francisco, is the oldest institution in the University of California system. It was founded in 1868 and now offers around 350 undergraduate and graduate degree programmes.

Researchers and alumni affiliated with the university are extremely successful, winning a total of 72 Nobel prizes, 105 Olympic gold medals, and many other prestigious awards.

The historic campus was the result of a nationwide architectural competition in 1898 and 1899. Many of the buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

4. University of Cambridge

As the only UK university in the top five, the University of Cambridge provides a significantly different student experience. Students live and mostly learn in small colleges, each of which has a distinct character and traditions.

Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, founded in 1209. Many famous figures have attended the university, including prime ministers, scientists and writers.

Students at Cambridge receive a high amount of personal tuition, through tutorials with just one or two of their peers.

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Based next door Harvard, MIT is located in a hub of research and learning. Although it specialises in science and technology, it also boasts world-leading arts and humanities programmes.

Like Stanford, MIT has a strong entrepreneurial culture, and adopted the European polytechnic university model when it was founded in 1861.

The campus displays unusual architecture designed by famous architects including Frank O. Gehry and William Welles Bosworth.

Undergraduates are guaranteed housing for four years in a campus dormitory, which fosters strong communities and social atmospheres.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

It really couldn’t be anyone else, could it? For a record-breaking seventh consecutive year, MIT has been crowned the best university in the world, helped by the fact it scores a perfect 100 for four of the six indicators used to compile the ranking. No other institution manages this.

MIT also achieves a world-leading score for citations per faculty and performs impressively well for its international student ratio.

The remaining best 20 universities in the US this year are…

US Rank

Global Rank






















The next top US universities all achieved positions in the global top 500:

US Rank

Global Rank






















































































































































After 500, the world ranking continues in bands (e.g. 501-510). Universities which share a band are considered to have the same rank.

US Rank

Global Rank


























































































The remaining 19 top US universities are all ranked in the 801-1000 range, making them joint 138th in the US. They are:

Auburn University, Baylor University, Binghamton University SUNY, Brigham Young University, Florida International University, Fordham University, George Mason University, Loyola University Chicago, Marquette University, Miami University, Ohio University, San Diego State University, University of Arkansas, University of Mississippi, University of Montana Missoula, University of San Diego, University of San Francisco, University of the Pacific and Utah State University.

Find out more about studying in the US with our complete guide, which includes advice on applications, visas, costs, funding and more.  

U-Ranking vs. U-Ranking Volume

The comparison of our two main rankings once again shows a group that appears at the top of the rankings in the areas that have been examined. The shaded area of the graph contains a group of 14 universities which stand out in U-Ranking in both performance and volume of results. From this point of view, there is a group of universities that show the best practices in the university system. In turn, the universities listed in the Shanghai Ranking have been highlighted in red. The results are very clear, the universities in the shaded area which have the best results in volume and performance in U-Ranking are almost all present in the Shanghai Ranking.

Top five universities in the 2019 ShanghaiRanking Academic Ranking of World Universities

1. Harvard University 

Harvard University is the oldest university in the US, having been formed in 1636, and is considered one of the most prestigious in the world.

The museums affiliated with the institution hold more than 28 million works of art, artefacts, specimens and instruments. 

Harvard’s alumni include eight US presidents, several foreign heads of state and 62 living billionaires. Some 130 Nobel laureates, 18 Fields Medallists, and 13 Turing Award winners have been affiliated with the university as students or staff.

2. Stanford University 

Stanford University is known for nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit among its students, a legacy of its founders, Jane and Leland Stanford. It is also renowned for its relationship with Silicon Valley. 

The 8,000-acre campus is located in California’s Bay Area. There are more than 625 student associations at the university, including the student newspaper, The Stanford Daily.

Best universities in the UKBest universities in the United StatesBest universities in CanadaBest universities in FranceBest universities in Australia

3. University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge is the only UK university to feature in the top five. Cambridge affiliates have won some 90 Nobel prizes, and are represented in every category.

The list of high-achieving alumni from the institution is endless, but prominent among them are Stephen Hawking, David Attenborough, Virginia Woolf and Zadie Smith.

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Researchers at this specialist science and technology institution invented one of the first large-scale high-speed computers in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1951. The Whirlwind I is still on display at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Museum.

Some 25,800 active companies have been started or co-founded by living MIT alumni, showing just how much impact MIT has had on innovation. 

5. University of California, Berkeley

Rounding off the top five is the University of California, Berkeley. The university is not without its unusual traditions, and students are expected to roll down 4.0 Hill on campus to get good grades. However, if you step on the Berkeley seal nearby, it has been said that you will be cursed for the year.  

The tradition obviously works as Berkeley faculty, alumni, and researchers include 91 Nobel laureates. The institution’s alumni have also achieved 13 Fields Medals, 23 Turing Awards, 45 MacArthur Fellowships, 20 Academy Awards, 14 Pulitzer Prizes and 117 Olympic gold medals.  

U-Ranking Volume of Spanish Universities

In contrast with the previous classification, U-Ranking Volume takes into account the total volume of results — teaching and research and innovation of the Spanish universities — and, therefore, the size of the university is a factor, along with the performance of each institution.

U-Ranking Volume classification is as follows:

Ranking Index University Ranking Index University
Universities without score were not analyzed due to lack of information
(*) Universities younger than 16
1 5.6 Universidad Complutense 23 0.9 Universidad Pablo de Olavide
2 4.7 Universitat de Barcelona 23 0.9 Universitat de les Illes Balears
3 4.2 Universidad de Granada 24 0.8 Universidad de Deusto
4 4.1 Universidad de Sevilla 24 0.8 Universidad de León
4 4.1 Universitat de València 24 0.8 Universidad Europea de Madrid
5 3.9 Universidad del País Vasco 24 0.8 Universitat de Lleida
6 3.5 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 25 0.7 Universidad de Huelva
7 3.4 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 25 0.7 Universidad Pública de Navarra
7 3.4 Universitat Politècnica de València 26 0.6 Universidad de Burgos
8 3.3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 26 0.6 Universidad San Pablo — CEU
9 3.0 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 27 0.5 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
10 2.8 Universidad de Zaragoza 27 0.5 Universidad Pontificia Comillas
10 2.8 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia 28 0.4 Universidad Cardenal Herrera — CEU
11 2.4 Universidad de Málaga 28 0.4 Universidad Católica de Valencia
12 2.3 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 28 0.4 Universidad de La Rioja
13 2.0 Universidad Carlos III 28 0.4 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja *
13 2.0 Universidad de Murcia 29 0.3 Mondragon Unibertsitatea
14 1.9 Universidad de Alicante 29 0.3 Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
14 1.9 Universidad de Salamanca 29 0.3 Universitat de Vic — Universitat Central de Catalunya
15 1.8 Universidad de Oviedo 29 0.3 Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
15 1.8 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 30 0.2 Universidad Camilo José Cela
16 1.7 Universidad de Valladolid 30 0.2 Universidad Nebrija
17 1.6 Universidad de Alcalá 31 0.1 Universidad a Distancia de Madrid *
17 1.6 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha 31 0.1 Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla *
17 1.6 Universidade de Vigo 31 0.1 Universidad Internacional Valenciana *
18 1.4 Universidad de Cádiz 32 Universidad Europea de Canarias *
18 1.4 Universidad de Córdoba 32 Universidad Europea de Valencia *
18 1.4 Universidad de La Laguna 32 Universitat Abat Oliba CEU
19 1.3 Universidad de Extremadura IE Universidad
19 1.3 Universidade da Coruña Universidad Católica San Antonio
19 1.3 Universitat Pompeu Fabra Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila
20 1.2 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Universidad del Atlántico Medio *
20 1.2 Universidad de Navarra Universidad Europea del Atlántico *
20 1.2 Universitat Rovira i Virgili Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
21 1.1 Universidad de Cantabria Universidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias *
21 1.1 Universitat Jaume I Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
21 1.1 Universitat Ramon Llull Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
22 1.0 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
22 1.0 Universitat de Girona Universidad Loyola Andalucía *
22 1.0 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
23 0.9 Universidad de Almería Universidad San Jorge *
23 0.9 Universidad de Jaén Universidad Tecnología y Empresa *

U-Ranking for Teaching

The following classification focuses entirely on the teaching results of Spanish universities.

In this case, the results are the following:

Ranking Index University Ranking Index University
Universities without score were not analyzed due to lack of information
(*) Universities younger than 16
1 1.3 Mondragon Unibertsitatea 4 1.0 Universidad de Oviedo
1 1.3 Universidad Carlos III 4 1.0 Universidad de Salamanca
1 1.3 Universidad de Navarra 4 1.0 Universidad de Zaragoza
1 1.3 Universidad Europea de Madrid 4 1.0 Universidad del País Vasco
1 1.3 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja * 4 1.0 Universidad Internacional Valenciana *
1 1.3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 4 1.0 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
1 1.3 Universitat Politècnica de València 4 1.0 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
1 1.3 Universitat Ramon Llull 4 1.0 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
2 1.2 Universidad de Deusto 4 1.0 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
2 1.2 Universidad Nebrija 4 1.0 Universidade de Vigo
2 1.2 Universidad Pontificia Comillas 4 1.0 Universitat de Girona
2 1.2 Universidad San Pablo — CEU 4 1.0 Universitat de Vic — Universitat Central de Catalunya
2 1.2 Universitat Pompeu Fabra 5 0.9 Universidad de Burgos
3 1.1 Universidad a Distancia de Madrid * 5 0.9 Universidad de Extremadura
3 1.1 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 5 0.9 Universidad de Huelva
3 1.1 Universidad Complutense 5 0.9 Universidad de Jaén
3 1.1 Universidad de Alcalá 5 0.9 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
3 1.1 Universidad de Cantabria 5 0.9 Universidad de Murcia
3 1.1 Universidad Europea de Canarias * 5 0.9 Universidad de Sevilla
3 1.1 Universidad Europea de Valencia * 5 0.9 Universidad de Valladolid
3 1.1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide 5 0.9 Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla *
3 1.1 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 5 0.9 Universidade da Coruña
3 1.1 Universidad Pública de Navarra 5 0.9 Universitat de les Illes Balears
3 1.1 Universitat Abat Oliba CEU 5 0.9 Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
3 1.1 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 6 0.8 Universidad de Cádiz
3 1.1 Universitat de Barcelona 6 0.8 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
3 1.1 Universitat de Lleida 6 0.8 Universidad de La Laguna
3 1.1 Universitat de València 7 0.7 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
3 1.1 Universitat Internacional de Catalunya IE Universidad
3 1.1 Universitat Jaume I Universidad Católica San Antonio
3 1.1 Universitat Rovira i Virgili Universidad Católica Santa Teresa de Jesús de Ávila
4 1.0 Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio Universidad del Atlántico Medio *
4 1.0 Universidad Camilo José Cela Universidad Europea del Atlántico *
4 1.0 Universidad Cardenal Herrera — CEU Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
4 1.0 Universidad Católica de Valencia Universidad Fernando Pessoa-Canarias *
4 1.0 Universidad de Alicante Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
4 1.0 Universidad de Almería Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
4 1.0 Universidad de Córdoba Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
4 1.0 Universidad de Granada Universidad Loyola Andalucía *
4 1.0 Universidad de La Rioja Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
4 1.0 Universidad de León Universidad San Jorge *
4 1.0 Universidad de Málaga Universidad Tecnología y Empresa *


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